Friday, March 19, 2010

Friendship is Forever

All... i was just think about my bestfriend in my elementary school.. i missed her so much.. *sorry,cant hold my tears*
Oh my god ... i really really missed her..well, i have a poem for her. This is it !

The day I met my best friend
It's like she knew me right away
It was funny how she understood
Everything I had to say.

She listened to my problems
She listened to my dreams
She's been my friend forever
Maybe that’s just what It seems

She knew everything about me
I've given her the key
The key to my heart
Where every best friend should be

We talk all day
We could talk all night
Even when we are near
Or totally out of sight
To be the best friend that she could be amazes me

Because I don't think she will ever see
The best friend that she turned out to be
I just wanted to say take care
and thanks for always being there!

Is it coll enough ?? sometimes it's okay to leave a comment you know..
That's all for today.. Merci Beaucoup!!

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